Tuesday 19 January 2016

Tips to Decorate Your Master Bedroom

Master bedroom is one of the most important parts of your whole home. This is the place where you will spend the relaxing hours of your night after a long busy day.You and your partner are going to spend the most intimate hours in this room too.So, it has to be special.While decorating the room, both of your taste should be reflected in the decoration.
                  Living Room
It is not that difficult to design the interior of the room.However, it requires a little bit of tricks.If you are wondering how you will decorate your room, then you are at the right place.If you want to consult some interior designers in Kolkata you can share these ideas with them.

•First and foremost thing in decorating the room is to make it free from every clutter.The more you will give your room the space to breath, the more it will become beautiful and cosy.To make the room inviting, don’t involve too much furnishing.It will make your room look congested.

•Use the furniture that will add to the warmth of the room.White or grey shade will make your room look quite clinical.Opt for warm brown.It will give your room an inviting feeling.

Ceramic Tiles Kitchen Flooring

•While buying the furniture of the room you need to consider the space of your room as well.If your room is small but you want to fit a king size bed in it then hold on. It is not a good idea.Opt for a smaller bed in your room.

•Accessorize your room.This is important as it will make your room warm and inviting.A breezy curtain, smooth bed spread and few selected prints on the wall will make your room look amazing.But avoid overdoing it.

•Play with lights.Add some deem lights and candles in the room.In the memorable evenings and nights they will play a huge role of cosiness around you and your partner.

Chose the right interior designers and use these tips in designing your room.

Monday 4 January 2016

Interior Designing Ideas for Elderly People

When you are designing a home you need to think about all the members of your family too. When you are putting all your thoughts in designing the master bedrooms of yours or the kid’s bedroom, why would you ignore the room for the elderly members of your family too?

If you are thinking that there is no need to putting extra thought to the design of the interior for the elderly members you are utterly wrong.The need of some unique ideas is more when you need to think about the elderly members.

  Interior Design for Hall

Their movements are often restricted.That is why when you are hiring an interior design company for your home you also need to discuss a few ideas with them to make the design and decoration convenient for them.

Take a look of the ideas that you can follow.

Easy on Hands

Turning a door knob can be a quite easy task for you. However, it can be quite difficult for your elder beloveds not.When they are suffering from arthritis or gout it becomes for them to handle the tight door knob.

Replace the door knobs with the liver styled handles.In fact you also can replace the shower knob and faucets too with these simple handles.They are easy and convenient for them.

Home Decoration

Friendly Floors

The most important thing that you will need to take care of is the floor.Most of the accidents happen in this age for slippery floor.Reduce this factor by adding nonskid mat under area rug.Reduce the heights of thresholds that will also decrease the chances of tripping.

Well Lighted Place

A dark room is always an open invitation to fall and bump.The more well-lighted places are there in your home the lesser will be the chances of falling down.

Use these ideas in the designing of your home and make your elderly family members feel that you care for them.